Emergency 0131 440 4229
Loanhead Clinic 0131 440 4229
Balerno Clinic 0131 449 5773
Gorebridge Clinic 01875 821 088
Pentland Clinic 0131 451 5111


Our guides to pet insurance and claims


INDIRECT CLAIM = £15 per claim form submitted

DIRECT CLAIM = £30 per claim form submitted

This charge will cover the considerable amount of time it takes to process the paperwork required by the insurance company. In the case of Direct claims, it also covers any pre-authorisations needed and the length of time taken to receive payment from the insurance company.

This fee will be charged every time a claim form is submitted, even if it is a continuation claim.

This fee is not claimable and is a direct cost to the policyholder.

We will be unable to process a claim without receiving payment of this fee.

We aim to process your claim within 7-10 working days.

Direct claims are approved at the discretion of the practice and are only considered for claims in excess of £600. Approval must be given by a member of the practice management team prior to commencement of treatment. We are happy to provide a pre-authorisation on claims should your insurance provider offer this service.

For any further information, please email - insurance@icrvets.co.uk

A Guide to Pet Insurance

A Guide to Pet Insurance

Pet insurance: what do I need to know?

Your Guide to Insurance Claims

Your Guide to Insurance Claims

Direct and indirect claims